Quotes from students' essays:
'The World we want to live in"
The world I would like to live should have no hate in the name of religion, no violence. Every body should be encouraged to live in harmony.

The world we are living is good, however a small set of people make it difficult for all. Let’s educate them so that we live in that broad minded, tolerant, forgiving and sharing. World with safety , peace, happiness and health.

World that honours human dignity and exercises compassion.

A place where every new born is given an opportunity to love life with care, compassion and all provisions to achieve a fulfilled life.

Cut government greed and corporate greed by at least 90% through public awareness.

The world that I want to leave behind will be full of compassion, tolerance and mutual support for all.

Leave the world without war after overcoming the conflict. World with one principle that we humans are one and same. World full of humanity and compassion.

A world full of love, value the diversity and respect the differences and work together to make it a beautiful world for every one.
I would like to live in world where there is respect. Compassion, peace and honesty in day to day dealings.

A world where every one is honest to each other and full of respect for one another.

I would like to live in a world where there is peace, compassion. Drug free and safe.

No racism. Compassion and clean environment.

I would like to live in a world where people can express their feelings freely with out hurting other people.

Teach our children to be supportive and caring of every one. A world where everyone has equality of living, food and respect for each other. A society free from violence. A world where every person is accepted as he or she is. I want to live in world of innovation and world where we support education

Leave behind a sustainable world. Spread message of peace and equality, love and compassion, where we learn to live together.

I would like to live in a world where humanity is the only race. Know thy neighbour. Really get to know people around you and get involved. Be kind and considerate. I took philosophy in college and there I learnt that man is a social animal. Happiness, success and everything in life comes through people. People fascinate me. I love meeting people as I learn something new from each individual I come across. Don’t be petty, don’t gossip and always be considerate of people. When I meet people first, what is good in them impresses me. I live by this principle. There are ups and down in life but I am ok and happy. My mentor is Indu Gambhir and my energy source is Sudesh Kanda.

There is an ancient aboriginal saying “ We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, but we borrow it from our children”.
As a human being who has the burden of borrowing the earth from our children, I do the utmost possible to ensure that our children will have a better environment than I enjoyed. This means I would like to leave as little harmful footprints for them as possible.
Since I have borrowed the earth from my next generation, I try my best not to delete the resources that I enjoy during my life time, but strive hard to leave it in a better shape. This would be my contribution to the next generation after me and many more after them.
I would like to make sure during my lifetime that my next generation breathes fresher air than I did, drink cleaner water then I did and eat better food than I did.