2019-01-11 ICCC Seniors Group Meeting – Tanglewood

Dear friend, Greetings! Let us Celebrate LOHRI on January 11th PROGRAM THIS FRIDAY  January 11th 1100–1200………Yoga 1200-1300……….Potluck Lunch 1300-1445…………Lohri Special: songs and entertainment. 1445-1500……….Clearup and Cleanup ,with everyone’s help 1200-1500……….Bridge Bala Ji will teach from 1:00 to 2:00, (please be on time) and will cover the following topics:
  • Bidding exercises with opening bids of 1NT, 2NT, 3NT – and responses.
  • Revision of Stayman, Jacoby Transfer, Gerber, Blackwood conventions
Suggest and request to senior and experienced players to participate in the bidding exercise session for one hour. ********* If you wish to participate in the making of Potluck Lunch please call the undersigned at 613-402-2460, so we can all enjoy another Healthy and Nutritious meal together. Stay engaged in some physical and social activities, for Quality  of life, Self Satisfaction and Happiness. It will be very helpful if those participating in the potluck would kindly write in the book, what they will bring, a week in advance. Satish Bansal 613-402-2460 For Coordinator ICCC Seniors – Tanglewood