Orleans Seniors Group Meeting
Date of Meeting: Thursday, the 4th of Sept, 2014
Reporter: Mr. Nand Tandon
Speaker: Shri Gurbachan Singh Bedi
Mr. Bedi is a remarkable senior of our community — He is multilingual, poet and photographer, and has served in the British Indian army as well as Indian army in Kashmir. Mr. Bedi, now 97 , lives in Ottawa with his wife. He is still very active, very dynamic and takes part in many community activities and events.
Mr. Bedi told us that his longevity is not due to genetic factors as both his parents died young. He is a tea-totaler, has been a vegetarian all his life, and is happily married for the last 78 years. Many people asked him questions, and Mr. Bedi cheerfully responded. He also regaled us with his poetry.
Other activities:
We had our normal activities – gup-shup, yoga and tea.
Everyone had a good time.