Indo-Canadian Community Centre (ICCC)
As a CRA registered charitable organization since February 1973, and Incorporated in Ontario in June 1977, for the purpose of community service, ICCC launched a Seniors initiative in 2011 to encourage the social participation and inclusion of seniors in the Indo-Canadian community. The initiative has grown into the “ICCC Seniors Program” with four Seniors Groups meeting weekly in Tanglewood, Orleans, Kanata, and Durga Mandir locations.
Seniors Activity - Action Teams
The Coordination Committee has set up Action Teams with a Team Captain for each team to pursue the different objectives. Each Team is mandated to define and plan the activities, create a calendar of events, estimate budget/resource requirement, promote the events to seniors across Ottawa, and ensure participation and engagement of seniors. The team captains present a progress report at the monthly meeting of the Coordination Committee.
Seniors Directory Team
Led by the program chair, the mandate and priority of this team is to enlist Indo-Canadian seniors from across the National Capital Region and develop an ICCC Seniors Directory. Members in the directory receive regular mailings and are encouraged to participate and be engaged in various organized activities and events. Seniors are welcome to enlist in this directory online.
Cultural Program
Led by a Cultural coordinator, this team organizes the selection of artists and performers for the celebration of major events like Holi, Diwali, etc.
Outings & Trips Team
Led by a captain, this team organizes and schedules outings and trips for seniors such as picnics, tours, movies, hiking, walking, etc. to places within and around Ottawa as well as outside Ottawa.
Technology Team
Led by a captain, this team is mandated to conduct training sessions for seniors in using computers, Internet, email, tablets, smartphones, etc. ICCC has purchased a few laptops, PCs, a printer, a tablet, projector, microphone and speakers for its activities and events.
Seminars and Workshops Team
Led by a captain, the team identifies topics of interest to seniors, scouts for speakers and workshop leaders, organizes seminars and workshops in areas like: health and wellness, nutrition, fall prevention, seniors helping seniors, neighborhood watch, etc. The purpose is to inform, educate and entertain seniors in a variety of subjects. Examples of the past activities and events include:
- How and what can you do to help surviving spouse and children? – Speaker: Dr. Indu Gambhir
- Alternative/ Ayurvedic Medicine and Diet: Speaker – Dr. Hemant Gupta
- Health & Wellness – ½ day seminar: Multiple topics and speakers –“Passport of Health” booklet created and distributed widely to seniors across Ottawa.
- Safety for Seniors – Two ½ day seminars: Multiple topics and speakers – personal, financial, fraud and cyber-crime, banking, legal wills, POA, etc.
- Seniors Helping Seniors workshop: Neighbors Helping Neighbors.
- “Inter-generational Interactions” seminar: Sharing of stories between the 1st and 3rd generations.
- Mentoring Activities and Events: What services are available for Seniors?