Air India 182 Memorial Service in Ottawa – June 23, 2018

*** Air India 182 Memorial Plaque bearing names of
329 passengers perished in the tragedy ***


~ Photo Gallery of the Air India 182 Memorial Service ~
Pictures courtesy of Badari, Secretary, MSMF. Thank you.
(In the photo gallery below, click on any picture to open up a slide show of all pictures)
Air India 182 Memorial - 2018

A circular by Bhawani Anantraman Foundation dated June 14, 2018:

Saturday, June 23 marks the 33rd anniversary of the Air India tragedy

“Some of you are aware of the significant media attention accorded Prime Minister Trudeau’s visit to India earlier this year.  Aspects of the coverage brought back painful memories of how domestic events in India at that time affected innocent Canadians.  Many of you reading this would not have lost family members or friends, but you were likely shocked to wake up that morning in June 1985 to hear the news of the bombing of Air India 182.

As the years go by, dwindling numbers of Canadians remember this national tragedy, in fact a new generation is growing up unaware of this dark chapter in Canada’s history.  On June 23rd, please join us to remember the victims of Air India Flight 182 and support their families and loved ones who live with the pain of this senseless loss every day. Several annual memorial services will be taking place across the country and beyond—if you can, please participate in this day of commemoration. Details on the services in Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and Cork County, Ireland can be found below.

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Chandrima Chakraborty, Ph.D., University Scholar and Associate Professor of English and Cultural Studies, McMaster University, who supports Dr. Anantaraman and our work. She recently wrote an article capturing her personal reflection on why the Air India tragedy has not claimed a prominent place in Canadian public memory. It demonstrates her ongoing efforts to document the effects of this tragedy, and we thank Chandrima very much for her relentless work to make sure we don’t forget. Please take a moment to click on the button (link on the right) below to read her very thoughtful and moving article… Canada’s Troubling Indifference…

An article published in the National Post on June 20, 2018

Terry Glavin: Canada’s worst terrorist atrocity and the awful conspiracy theory that won’t die

It was on June 23, 1985, that Air India Flight 182 was blown out of the sky above Dunmanus Bay, killing all 329 passengers and crew… Read the article