Virtual Hub - Indo Canadian Community Portal
The Portal is a virtual gathering venue for the entire Indo-Canadian Community in Ottawa. It's a communication platform, a central information resource for community events and programs as well as a portal for joining the community mailing lists (Community Directory, Seniors Directory, and Community Groups). The Virtual Hub is to meant to bring the Indo-Canadian community together to share information as well as exchange community news and views.

Indo Canadian Community centre

Our Digital
Community Portal

Community Information

A repository of community information such as directory of Indo-Canadians (individuals, professionals and businesses), community events and happenings, and an information resource with links to Govt and third-party services and facilities available

Communications Platforms

A platform for communication and virtual conversation among Indo-Canadian organizations and with the community at large - announcements of events and other happenings in the community, newsletters, accomplishments, arts and culture, etc.

Social Interactions

A social platform for the Indo-Canadian community at large for interaction and virtual connection to reduce isolation, mutual support and informal education, exchange of ideas, recipes and such, also providing mainstream connections.

An Overview of the Virtual Hub

Since the introduction of the Virtual Hub in 2017, it has become a digital portal with a widespread presence to connect with the Indo-Canadian Community at large. The virtual hub is a communication platform, a central information resource for events and programs, as well as a portal for joining the community groups and mailing lists.